Visit of Social Development Secretariat for inspection

On Tuesday September 26,2023 in the morning at the SECHILD center, we received a representative of the Social Development Secretariat for inspection. He said he was impressed about the care of the children and how the center is maintained. We had very fruitful discussions about areas of possible collaboration and referral of children with Cerebral Pasly to the center for professional management.

The Social Development Secretariat (SDS) was created on the 21st of February, 2011 with the mandate to coordinate the Social sector, the Environment sector, as well as the Food and Nutrition sector.

The vision and mission of the Social Development Secretariat is to bring about a social development order that will improve social cohesion, accelerate national development and contribute effectively in coordinating social development programmes and projects to ensure the effective delivery of the Ministry(Federal Capital Territory Administration)’s mandate of providing a nurturing environment,
protecting rights, and advocacy for women, children and other vulnerable groups in the territory. Overseeing important social imperatives and poverty
alleviation programs for vulnerable and disadvantaged groups and communities among other things.

Our work will be made easier if agencies, departments, and ministries partner with us. We look forward to receiving other
government agencies, departments, and ministries for possible partnership.
Together, we can improve the lives of children with special needs, their parents, and caregivers in the Federal Capital Territory and it’s environs.