Happy Posthumus Birthday Aondofa


Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain. Aondofa Joshua Aondofa -Anjira was born on this day 18th January 2007 with Cerebral Palsy, a disorder that affects movement and muscle tone, it causes abnormal development or damage to the parts of the brain that control movement, balance, and posture. Despite the fact he had to weather through exorbitant number of storms during his short life. His life was phenomenal and inspired change.
The Sedoo Initiative for Children with Special Needs was founded in a bid to ensure quality and timely services and support for children born with Cerebral Palsy. Children with disabilities are one of the most marginalized groups in the society. Facing daily discrimination in the form of negative attitudes, lack of adequate policies and legislation, these children are maligned from realizing their rights to healthcare, education, and even existence.

In order to fill the gap, The Sedoo Initiative for Children with Special Needs provides residence care, physio/occupational care, medical care, advocacy to protect the rights and dignity of these children, training of care providers and parents.

To this end, over 500 children have been supported through rehabilitation services, residence care, physio/occupational therapy. In addition, reached over 10,000 through awareness creation to transform negative on local beliefs that undermine the rights of children with cerebral palsy. Our work has saved innocent children with this condition from being drowned to death as result of their condition.

On this important day, we reiterate that children with disabilities must enjoy their basic human rights without discrimination, disability inclusion should be mainstreamed in all policies and plans. We all have a role to play in the care and support of Children with disabilities. We are all caregivers.

Happy Birthday Aondofa Joshua Aondofa -Anjira.

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